Week 1. Year 1. Dillenger

Another day another sims family!

Our last new neighbor of the week! Her name is Darcy Dillenger and she is a Popularity sim who wants to be a Prestidigitator. Another LTW that will remain unfulfilled. Boo.

Darcy immediately purchases the lot I've built for her called Dillenger's Dance Studio. Hopefully she'll unlock the dance career soonish.

It's pretty sparse, but aren't most ballet studios?

Ok. This girl is a secret romance sim I swear. She started off with Grayson here.

This brown-haired guy set her up with the elderly man. It went well, but she had higher bolts with Grayson so I didn't pursue.

It's nice to see people using the studio as intended! Clara Crawford even stopped by!

The good witch gave her the last star needed to reach level five and unlock a position in the dance career.

Darcy celebrates with some smustle!

All that extra money got her a new pad.

Open floor plans are my favorite.



Good lord. This is a different man from the one above, just so we're clear.

Darcy had a date with Grayson back when she was still working the Dance Studio. Isn't he sweet?

If only he knew

There's going to be so many babies. Especially at the rate you're going missy.

Darcy did snag that open dance position, and she got promoted her first day!

Not surprised.

But since I really like Grayson, and his face, I had Darcy move him in.

Grayson Hiatt is a popularity sim as well, and his LTW is to own 5 top-level businesses! Awful in a normal legacy, but acceptable in a BaCC.

There it is.

Another promotion!

Bumpity bump bump.

And baby!

It's a little girl! Her name is Diana. And it looks like she got all of her genetics from Darcy.

Aww aren't they sweet?

But work waits for no one.

Their babies would be so cute!

Ask and ye shall receive.

Darcy must have popped and I missed it :(

But it's Diana's birthday!

In case you were wondering, the father was the red-headed guy Darcy had in bed earlier. His name was Clay Jitmakusol. I can't really tell who she takes after more at the moment.

But Monday morning rolled around soon after and we'll leave off with Grayson being adorable with Diana.

Thanks for reading!


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