Week 3. Year 1. Crawford

Hello! Welcome back to the Crawford's!

Fuzzball is right where we left him.

Perhaps that is why he stays up on those high countertops all the time. I don't think he enjoys Chance's affections.

At least this nanny seems competent. No excessive bottles, or picking fights with family members is a great start.

Constance comes home from school and jumps right on the computer. She reminds me of myself :D

Charles brought home Farah Fargo.

And Constance brought home Damion. It seems like he comes homes with everybody.

Orlando came home sick from work and got Clara sick too. So I have quarantined them (oh the irony).

Charles is still here! He's chatting up Farah.

I don't know why I took this picture. Maybe it was just to show how cute she was.

Forrest came to take Farah home. Look at his cute belly!

That's one way to quarantine.

We get Chance all skilled up because he's growing up soon.

But he gets plenty of love in between.

Charles got skunk-sprayed. Silly kid, don't mess with wild animals!


Welcome to childhood Chance!

Orlando shows him his new bedroom.

Clara is doing much better this week as far as her career goes. It'd be nice if she'd top the Business career this week and unlock a business district. But I'm not holding my breath.

Her two oldest run out to greet her.

Another birthday!

Cool shot huh?

Yes yes you're very cute.

She rolled Pleasure/Family with a want to go on fifty first dates. Which is a god-awful LTW and I may very well change it later.

She went out for some clothes and introduced herself to this male teen that was there. But no bolts. 

I was rather hoping that she would become involved with one of the other teen playables.

Ok, so I really like Fuzzball and I like the idea of breeding him. So I got a female kitten!

I named her Hershey because of her brown fur.

Chance was quite excited to meet her :)

Charles is on the telescope a LOT. I hope he becomes a knowledge sim. More alien babies would be great!

I gave Constance a new hairstyle. I think she's very pretty!

The boys get along well. I haven't had any sibling rivalries as of yet. How...boring.

Ya know. I thought that my family sims would be baby machines in this challenge. I underestimated my sims' sexual vigor and the power of 50% risky woohoo chances.

A roundabout way of saying there's another baby on the way for the Crawford's.

It helps that they are so sweet to each other.

Clara is so pretty! I wish her kids took more after her.

Another bump! She's been working really hard on her skills. Well, as much as she can while being heavily pregnant.

Well Clara wasn't the only one skilling! Charles surprised me by maxing the logic skill all on his own! 

Come on Clara, you're pregnant. Get Orlando or Constance to do that.

I'm just following her around, nervously waiting for the birth. Please don't do what Susie did and pop out three at once ok?

I dang near missed Charles's birthday!

He is a Romance/Fortune sim with an LTW of becoming a Rock God.

Darn, I was hoping for knowledge. But that's not too bad.

So, Clara went into labor while Charles was growing up so the camera didn't pan to her. I almost missed the birth!

Just the one!

A little girl named Charlotte! She has her father's hair and eyes and a mix between their skins.

Let this be the last one please Clara.

I think Fuzzball is permanently attached to the kitchen counters.

Hershey grew up! And didn't stay brown, so now her name makes no sense. She's still really stinkin' cute though.

Charles is very devoted to skilling! He's a secret knowledge sim I'm telling you!

Whereas Constance lives up to her Pleasure sim status.

Here she is at A Break with Brahn. She had a want to get her first kiss, and with the services still locked I couldn't set a date up for her. So she has to find a willing boy herself.

Unfortunately none stopped by the lot. Poo.

Charles picks up on baby duty early Monday morning. I also changed his hairdo, as you can see.

And we see Orlando relaxing in his son's bed. Don't be weird Orlando!

Thanks for reading!


SM: 8
Actual Sims: 35
Population: 280
Community Lots: 8
Residential Lots: 6
Business Districts: 0
Downtowns: 0
Universities: 1
Public University Fund: 170,000
Fires: 0
Burglaries: 0
Electrocutions: 0
CAS: 7/12

Career Openings:

Athletic: (locked)
Business: 1 Spot Open (Filled by Clara Crawford)
Criminal: 1 Spot Open (Filled by Felix Fargo)
Culinary: None
Law Enforcement: None
Medical: Unlocked
Military: (locked)
Politics: (locked)
Science: (locked)
Slacker: 1 Spot Open (filled by Brandon Brahn)
Adventure: Unlocked
Education: None
Gamer: None
Journalism: None
Law: (locked)
Music: Unlocked
Artist: None
Natural Scientist: None
Paranormal: (locked)
Show Business: None
Architecture: 2 Spots Open (1 Spot filled by Ephraim Echols)
Dance: 1 Spot Open (Filled by Darcy Dillenger)
Entertainment: None
Intelligence: None
Oceanography (locked)


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