Week 3. Year 1. Fargo

Welcome back to the Fargo house!

Last week Felix Fargo moved in and quickly met his soulmate Forrest. Felix also got his dream job in the Criminal career.

Felix and Forrest adopted a little girl named Farah, and, unsurprisingly, Forrest got pregnant.

And I think we're caught up!

Farah is enjoying being the only child. That won't last too much longer.

Forrest is taking care of himself fairly well. Normally I have to watch my pregnant sims like a hawk to make sure they don't die.

And Felix is...looking quite fetching. *cough*

Moving on.

Dottie came home with Farah and stole from their money trees. Bad Dottie!

Come on you guys! Why in the snow?

It's a girl! Her name is Felicity. It looks like she has Felix's custom hair (which will look black until she's a teen) and skin, and Forrest's eyes.

No they're not getting robbed. Felix came home from work and couldn't wait to see his hubby and baby.

Farah is still here. Because of all the snow she had several days off from school this week.

I don't remember if I mentioned that Forrest has a job in the Music career. At least, until there is a position in the Law Enforcement career open.

So here he is. Skilling away.

Felix is climbing the ladder fairly quickly this week. He doesn't top it this time, but I think it's possible during the next round.

Birthday time!

Happy Birthday

Aww! She looks a LOT like Forrest.

Get yourself all glowed up sweetie.

...he wished for it ok?

But alien babies!

He'll come back Forrest!

I don't think he believes me.

Told you so!

Yeah...that's not a soft fall is it?

Aww yeah!

Farah brought Ezra Echols home with her. They became friends I think?

As expected!

...not expected.

I knew they ran to the bed as soon as Felix got back from space, but I didn't hear anything!

Lord have mercy.

It's good that they still go to work. It saves me the trouble of looking out for them.

Plus I think Forrest got promoted in this picture!

Which is great, because they are rather low on money and I need them to buy the community lot I have for them.

Good dad Forrest gets to work on Felicity's skills.

This animation is super cute to me.

Promotion! I want to say he's a level 7 at this point. But he's off for the rest of the week. I guess that's fine, seeing as he's expecting.


Forrest bumped shortly after.

Wow, that nanny must be funny!

I feel bad that she doesn't have any toys or anything to mess with. Like I said, they are kind of poor. Hopefully they can afford to buy their business soon.

Felix makes sure Felicity is nice and platinum.

Because it's time for her to grow up.

Happy Birthday!

She looks JUST like Forrest. Not a bad thing, I think he's very attractive, but a little bit of Felix would have been nice.

Speaking of Felix....

Jesus it's twins. But they're aliens so it's ok right?

They are both boys, and the first one is named Fritz.

His brother is named Florean.

And as soon as the twins were put in their cribs Forrest decided it was his turn.

You better just have one dammit.

He listened to me! It's another little boy that I've named Falcon.

I warning you two!

This was supposed to be a small family! Five is enough!

The girls get along really well! It's a shame they don't get to be the same age for very long. Farah is growing up tonight.

As a present for Farah, Forrest got a kitten!

I've named him Rabbit.

With Farah in a good mood thanks to the new family pet, it's time for her to grow up.

Happy Birthday!

Farah rolled Pleasure/Knowledge with a want to become a Celebrity Chef.

It's doable.

She got a makeover for her face, but this family is too poor currently for new clothes. But look at her elf ears!

I think Forrest got a promotion and they were finally able to afford their business. This is Fargo's Robotics.

It's my smallest store yet :D

After selling all of Felix's inventory, they managed to get the business to level 3. It was enough money that they could be comfortable and update the house to accommodate five kids. 

And get Farah some new clothes <3

I made sure to leave enough left over so that Felix could really pop out some merchandise.

But he has his job to think of too, so I moved him over to the easel to skill up.

And that's the end of the week for the Fargo's. I'll leave you guys with Felicity being super freaking cute :D

Thanks for reading!


SM: 9
Actual Sims: 41
Population: 369
Community Lots: 10
Residential Lots: 6
Business Districts: 0
Downtowns: 0
Universities: 1
Public University Fund: 240,000
Fires: 1
Burglaries: 0
Electrocutions: 0
CAS: 7/14

Career Openings:

Athletic: (locked)
Business: 1 Spot Open (Filled by Clara Crawford)
Criminal: 1 Spot Open (Filled by Felix Fargo)
Culinary: None
Law Enforcement: None
Medical: (locked)
Military: (locked)
Politics: (locked)
Science: (locked)
Slacker: 1 Spot Open (filled by Brandon Brahn)
Adventure: Unlocked
Education: 1 Spot Open
Gamer: None
Journalism: None
Law: (locked)
Music: Unlocked
Artist: None
Natural Scientist: None
Paranormal: (locked)
Show Business: None
Architecture: 2 Spots Open (1 Spot filled by Ephraim Echols)
Dance: 1 Spot Open (Filled by Darcy Dillenger)
Entertainment: None
Intelligence: None
Oceanography (locked)


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